📍Conference Event

🗓 January 29th, 2024, 08:00 – Finish (GMT+7).

The conference aims to discuss about Synergizing Growth and Sustainability: Innovating Integrated Cattle and Oil Palm Plantation Systems with Five Keynote Speakers and Five Invited Speakers will share their knowledge and experiences in a plenary session, followed by paper presentations in parallel sessions.

🔗Webinar Link ID :

Webinar ID: 812 8212 3272

📌YouTube Link:

*Participants can register as GAPENSISKA members by filling in the GAPENSISKA Member Registration link

*Participants can get a zoom link by filling in the Webinar Link ID, the zoom link will be sent to their respective emails

Scope :

1. Innovative Sustainable Practices

  • Exploring and sharing innovative practices that enhance the sustainability and productivity of integrated cattle and oil palm plantation systems.
  • Case studies highlighting successful models of integrated systems from different geographical and socio-economic contexts.

2. Technological Advancements and Digital Agriculture

  • Showcasing technological innovations and digital tools that optimize integrated cattle and oil palm systems.
  • Demonstrating the use of technologies like IoT, AI, and drones in monitoring, managing, and optimizing integrated systems for improved yields and sustainability.

3. Economic Viability and Market Dynamics

  • Analyzing the economic aspects, including cost-effectiveness, value chain development, and market access for products from integrated systems.
  • Discussing challenges and strategies in establishing and maintaining robust supply chains, and exploring niche markets for sustainably produced products.

4. Environmental and Biodiversity Conservation

  • Addressing the environmental impacts and conservation strategies in integrated systems, focusing on aspects like soil health, water use, and biodiversity.
  • Presenting research and initiatives that showcase methods to mitigate environmental impacts and enhance biodiversity within integrated cattle and oil palm system

5. Policy, Regulation, and Community Engagement

  • Discussing the policy frameworks, regulations, and incentives that can support or hinder the development of integrated systems.
  • Exploring community engagement strategies, socio-economic impacts, and ensuring equitable benefit-sharing among all stakeholders involved in integrated systems.

Manuscript Submission Guidline:

“Download our template package for Word Here.

  • Do not add page numbers or header/footer.
  • Do not alter the margins of our template.
  • The paper size is 8.5 x 11.
  • The manuscript should include the authors’ names and complete affiliation addresses, including the country.
  • Use clear and easily readable graphics and diagrams that fit within the margin boundaries.
  • Do not use copyrighted material without permission and proper attribution.
  • All pages should be in portrait orientation.
  • The bibliography should be prepared following our reference guidelines (available in the template package). References should only be included if they are complete.
  • Embed all fonts into your PDF manuscript.
  • What should be submitted to your conference organizers?
  • The final PDF file of your manuscript with embedded fonts.
  • Copies of permissions for the reuse of copyrighted material.”

Empirical Manuscript:

“Empirical Manuscript is written in a newspaper style and consists of a title, introduction, main section (information details), and conclusion. The information details for each section are explained as follows:

  • Title, reflecting the main idea of the article. The writing style of the title is flexible and not rigid.
  • Introduction, containing the main writing idea. The main idea is the core of the results/findings obtained from experience or what you want to convey to the readers. The main idea is presented in an active sentence without scientific terminology (jargon). It may consist of 1-2 paragraphs.
  • Main section, describing the main idea using important facts obtained from the story. In this section, the words: What, Who, Where, When, Why, and How (5W+1H) can be used to illustrate the main idea.
  • Conclusion, containing the solutions offered to address this problem. What should be done and by whom to prevent/resolve the issue?”

“Download our template package for Word Here.

Please click the link for registration: Registration Now

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