Keynote Speakers

1. Keynote Speaker

  1. Ir. H. Andi Amran Sulaiman, M.P, Ministry of Agriculture Republic of Indonesia
  2. Harisson, M.Kes, Acting Governor of West Kalimantan
  3. Mr Dane Roberts, Counselor (Agriculture) Department of Water and the Environment, Australia Government
  4. Mr Eddy Abdurrahman, Chairman of BPDPKS
  5. Edy Martono, Chairman of GAPKI, Chairman of GAPKI

2. Invited Speaker

  1. Erdi, M.Si, Vice Dean, Social and Politics, Universitas Tanjungpura
  2. Cico Jhon Karunia, SP., M.Si, Faculty Member Agriculture, Universitas Tanjung Pura
  3. Mohd Azid Kabul, Ruminant Production: Cattle-Oil Palm Integration System Consultant
  4. Christy Chang, UNE Australia
  5. Dr Maja Slingerland, Wageningan University and research

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